NEXT steps

This year, we want to focus on helping each person in congregation take their next step in their discipleship journey. Maybe you’ve just started following Jesus, or maybe you’ve been following Him for decades. Since we are all at different places in our walks of faith, this will require a variety of on-ramps and challenges so that everyone can text a step forward. We want to expose areas of possible growth, help people get engaged and equipped them into fully-formed disciples. We want to challenge the status quo, not by creating more things to do, but by pushing our current programs to reach their full potential. We want to identify areas were people can engage on a deeper level and challenge them the same way we see in the New Testament. Here are four areas that we believe will make a significant impact on the lives of every single believer. 


This year, we'd love to help you grow in the practice of making worship a habit in your life. 

  • If you’re new to church maybe the first step is a commitment to attend services once a month. Lots of people attend church on Easter or Christmas, but begin to make it a normal part of your life. 
  • Maybe you’re ready for step two and begin to attend twice a month. Did you know that attending just two times a month puts you over the national average of regular church attenders. However, by doing so you’ll be more connected, develop stronger relationships and have more chances to grow in your faith! 
  • Step three is a big one. Commit to attending weekly. When you talk to lifelong, committed followers of Jesus one of the most common patterns you’ll see in their lives is a commitment to attend church every week.

Plan your visit


The early church was deeply committed to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. They weren’t anonymous people gathering in a room once a week. They were friends, partners, and a family. This year, maybe God is calling you to take a step in community.

  • The first step is to try a one time group event. We offer a variety events where you can begin to meet people. You can stay up to date with our church events here on our church website and by subscribing to The Herald, our weekly newsletter. 
  • A great second step is to join a short term group experience. We'd love for you to join us on Wednesday nights for Refresh. These are semester long classes/groups that will allow you to meet new people, form community, and study the Bible. 
  • Ultimately, we’d love to see every person take the third step of joining a long term group like one of our Sunday School classes or small groups.

Find a group here

Not sure which group to join? We'd love to help you get connected! Reach out to our Connections Minister to find a group that's right for you.


Jesus said that He came to serve, not to be served. The church in Acts was committed to caring for others and we want to follow their example.

  • The first step is simple, serve at a one time event. There are tons of ways you can jump in to a one time event. Not sure where to start? Contact our church office to learn about ways to serve.
  • The second step ups the ante by committing to serve on a ministry team for a trial period. Maybe you’ve always wondered what it is like to work in the tech booth or you’ve been interested joining the choir or maybe you’re naturally friendly and would like to serve as a greeter. Take the commitment to try one our ministry teams for a trial period to learn about your own gifts. Who knows, you might stumble on something that changes your life forever.
  • Perhaps the next step for you is to commit to serving for a year. We have a number of opportunities to serve and will be updating this page throughout the year as more opportunities arise. Make 2024 the year where you take a step towards serving. 

Find Service Opportunities here


  • Step number one is to begin giving consistently. It doesn’t have to be a huge gift, it’s about offering God your first fruits and beginning to give back to God!
  • A great second step is committing to giving a percentage. What would it look like to give God 1% or 3% or 5% of your income to the Lord. How would it change the way you think about God as provider? How would it stretch you to trust him? 
  • Perhaps you’ve given for awhile, but you’re ready to take the step of giving a tithe, and giving your first 10% to the Kingdom. It's an investment and an act of worship that could change your life.

Give here

share your faith

  • The first step in this area is to begin praying for a friend or family member, maybe even just an acquaintance, who needs Jesus. Maybe your challenge in 2024 is to pray every day for a person in your life that is lost. 
  • A big second step might be to commit to inviting a friend to a church event or service. A few simple tools for this are: grabbing an invite card from our church lobby to extend an invitation, tag someone in our comments on social media inviting them to join us on Sunday mornings or at a church event, sending a quick text to let them know they are welcome here at Tates Creek, or inviting someone to coffee to talk about Jesus. 
  • The third step takes it a bit further. Perhaps you’ve been following Jesus, you’ve even shared your faith, but you’ve never really thought about how to intentionally help guide someone in their faith. Paul had Timothy. Jesus had his Disciples. But who are you mentoring? Who are you passing down the knowledge you’ve gained by following Jesus. Maybe 2024 is the year that you start an intentional discipling relationship. 

Our prayer is that God will lead every person in our church to take at least one step as a disciple of Jesus this year. We invite you to pray and commit to something that will stretch you this year. God wants you to grow and it starts with a single step.